
So planen Sie eine Ladakh-Radtour mit Sozius?

Plan Ladakh Bike Trip with Pillion

We all know that Ladakh is the dream destination of every biker. any person who is very and the seat of riding a bike has ever dreamt of visiting Ladakh and if you are one of them and you are planning to visit Ladakh along with someone who will be riding on the back of your bike as a pillion rider.

So now you would you want to bring that can you Besuchen Sie Leh with a pillion rider on your bike.

Yes you can visit Leh with pillion Rider on your bike. the only condition is that if you want to visit Leh you can rent a bike from Manali or bring your own bike. if you are renting a bike from Manali then you can not visit place is beyond like nubra Valley or Pangong Lake. but this doesn’t mean that you cannot take your own bike if it is registered in your own name.

Du darfst deine eigenen von und nach Leh nehmen

Wenn Sie Ladakh besuchen, sollten Sie sich der Bedingungen bewusst sein, unter denen Sie Ihr Motorrad auf der Straße fahren werden. Ladakh will test your capability on every turning of the mountains. so in order to be capable to write it on those Road you must consider these factors very seriously.

Ladakh Reise mit SoziusDinge zu beachten
Bequeme HaltungWählen Sie ein Fahrrad, auf dem Sie sich stundenlang wohl fühlen
MotorradDas Motorrad sollte vor Reiseantritt gut gewartet und gewartet werden
SteuerungEin Motorrad ist eine leistungsstarke Maschine. Sie müssen über die nötige Kraft verfügen, um auf Straßen zu kontrollieren, die Sie noch nie zuvor erlebt haben.
Leichtes GepäckLass dein Fahrrad nicht wie ein Trick aussehen. Tragen Sie nur das notwendige Gepäck. Wenn Sie schweres Gepäck tragen, sind Sie gefährdet.
RoutePlanen Sie eine Reiseroute, die Ihren Bedürfnissen und Ihrem Komfort entspricht.
Sanft seinSei sanft zu deinem Geist und Körper. Wenn Ihnen schwindelig oder erschöpft ist, Es ist besser, sich auszuruhen oder die Nacht zu bleiben, als zu riskieren und zu reiten.
BeachtungLadakh bedeutet auf Straßen immer aufmerksam zu sein, wie es Kurven mit tiefen Schritten und Stürzen hat.
FlüssigkeitszufuhrLadakh liegt in sehr großer Höhe, was bedeutet, dass nur sehr wenig Sauerstoff vorhanden ist. Bleiben Sie immer hydratisiert und trinken Sie jede Stunde Wasser.
SelbstmechanikerSei ein selbst gemachter Mechaniker. Lernen Sie, kleinere Dinge an Ihrem Fahrrad zu reparieren. Da es in Zeiten der Not nützlich sein kann.
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 the factors that you should account are as follows

Comfortable posture and riding on your bike

Most of the people rent their bike for their Ladakh tripthe very important question that arises is the comfortability while sitting on the bike and riding it for hours. A comfortable bike will allow you to enjoy your riding and also to write it for long hours.

So while choosing your bike you should be very careful about you are comfortability. A comfortable riding posture and sitting posture will help you to write with the bike with complete control and complete comfort of a body.

Im Durchschnitt muss man dafür schreiben 7 zu 8 Stunden pro Tag. so your pillion Rider also needs to be comfortable on that bike.

Aber Sie müssen bedenken, dass Sie die Ausdauer haben müssen, um es für fast zehn bis zu fahren 15 Tage ab 7 zu 8 Stunden pro Tag

Gut gepflegtes und gewartetes Fahrrad

I personally took a Royal Enfield Himalayan to the Ladakh and never felt any problem with the bikes performance or its power. But Ladakh is a place where the nature takes extreme test of your body and the bike.

My Royal enfield himalayan was completely fine, until my last leg of completion when the radiator started leaking and the engine started heating up. I was lucky enough to get a litre of cooler’s liquid to keep pouring the coolant and trying to keep the engine cool.

I’m saying this because if your bike is 5 oder 6 years old and the bike is less than 150cc than forget about taking the bike on those roads.

Your bike will not climb on those steep roads and will not be able to cross the rocky beds of the mountains and water crossing on the roads. For those, you will need a bike that is well powered and maintained.

So if you are taking your own bike or renting it, then get the bike completely serviced and check its maintenance records before taking the bike.

Völlig unter Kontrolle

Bei der Auswahl eines Fahrrads nach Ladakh zu reisen, Sie müssen das Fahrrad wählen, von dem Sie glauben, dass Sie es kontrollieren können. Fahrrad ist nur eine Maschine mit großer Kraft. Wenn Sie sich unwohl fühlen oder das Fahrrad extrem über- oder unterlastet ist, ist es immer besser, das Fahrrad zu wechseln und eines auszuwählen, das Ihren Anforderungen entspricht.

Es ist immer besser, sich für ein Fahrrad zu entscheiden, das Sie steuern können, als sich zu entschuldigen.

I have seen people taking bullets and other Royal Enfield bikes that they can’t control, but just because others are using the same bike.

Don’t go for what other are using, always choose which bike you can control. You may have seen that there are a few bikers that are completely geared up with protectives.

Protectives like Jackets, Best helmets, Knie & Elbow guards and many help them ride confidently and also keeping them safe from any fall and small accidents.

Travel Light

Sie müssen immer bedenken, dass Sie ein Fahrrad fahren, keinen Pickup. Ein Fahrrad ist so konstruiert, dass es ein bestimmtes Gewicht auf eine bestimmte Weise trägt und zieht.

Wenn Sie mit einem Sozius Fahrrad fahren. Das Gewicht der beiden Personen liegt auf dem Hinterrad und der Schwerpunkt liegt in der Mitte des Fahrrads.

Wenn Sie jedoch Gepäck mitnehmen, verlagert sich der Schwerpunkt auf die Rückseite Ihres Fahrrads. This means that if you overload the bike the center of gravity will shift to the back more and more and the front wheel may rise up or the bike may become totally disbalanced.

Moreover the weight of the luggage also impacts on the engine, as it needs more power to pull the bike on steep roads and also it has immense pressure on the brakes when you ride downhill.

Heavy luggage also means that you need more strength to keep the bike in control and in case of a fall, you can be crushed under the weight of your own bike. And to pick the bike up, you may need more than 2 person.

So travel with less weight. Keep the luggage light and let the bike fly.

Route – Check the height

When creating a itinerary, people just names places that we can go from place A to place Z. But very few people take in account the height of the road, the steepness, the lack of oxygen and other details.

This means that no matter how new your bike is or how powerful your bike is. Your bike is not going to climb those places with a pillion rider. Because due to lack of oxygen, your bike will not be able to perform in its 100% and the steepness will make it worse.

The places that your bike is going to struggle to climb are Wari La, marismak and the Changthang region.

The seat of the Motorcycle

Just take a Seat, relax and ask your bum…. Are you comfortable.

Many bike seats are not comfortable for pillion riders for long rider. The pillion rider needs to face several problems becuase they don’t have any handle to grab which will help them to keep their spine straight or keep them comfortable long rides.

Also if you are carrying luggage then it becomes more difficult for the pillion to have a comfortable seat. Don’t make the mistake of asking your pillion to carry luggage on their back.

Bikes like KTM, Royal Enfield Himalayan seats are not comfortable for pillion riders and they are way narrow and harder. Try to customize the seat with the option of adding a extra cushion.

Like I have modified the seat of Bajaj Avanger 220 street for longer rider. Here is a video.

Riding with Pillion

If you are riding with a pillion then don’t get distracted from road while chitchatting with them. Be very careful on turnings and water crossings.

While water crossing, ask your pillion to get off and cross the water crossing on foot while you take the bike across. While water crossing, Versuche immer mitten auf der Straße zu sein und ziehe an;t nicht vom Asphalt runter.

Wasserübergänge sind gefährlich und das Wasser ist sehr kalt. Das Überqueren des Randes kann zu einem Sturz oder sogar zum Tod führen, da sich an den Rändern Glatteis gebildet hat.

In der Mitte des Wasserübergangs befinden sich manchmal Felsbrocken und unebene Straßen, So kann es zu Tricks werden, die Straße mit dem Fahrrad zu überqueren. Versuchen Sie es mit Ihrem Fahrrad im 1. Gang zu überqueren und analysieren Sie die Tiefe der Wasserüberquerung.

Don’t be an idiot trying to cross the water crossing with your bike on speed. Like this.

Be Gentle

Be gentle on yourself and your pillion rider. If you or your pillion rider is feeling exhausted, tired or dizzyness then its better to make a stop or stay the night there rather than risking and riding.

Being gentle in those high altitude is always a good idea. Don’t risk just because you have to reach a particular place at a certain time or just becuase you are riding with a group and can’t keep up with them.

Just remember..Its your life in your hands.

Learn Minor Fixes

Learn small and minor fixes like fixing the puncture, replacing mobile, changing the brake shoes or cable. These small fixes can save time and from the tension of finding a mechanic and fixing your bike.

Learning minor fixes is a life saver for any traveler that is travelling with bike on roads like ladakh. Riding in ladakh, there are several stretches where you are not going to find any people

Make a Wise Judgement

Ladakh is a place of making wise judgement on every corner. You will be introduced with new problems on each curves, steeps, climbs and water crossings.

Making an idiotic judgment can result in severe harm or fatal loss. Some of the common judgments you need to go through are:-

  • Not caring for the pillion riders will to travel
  • Over speeding with pillion rider
  • Chitchatting and not focusing on the road
  • Choosing a better bike for both.
  • Opting for light luggage
  • Not forcing each other to travel longer
  • Don’t pressuring on your body and mind.
  • Care for proper hydration
  • Have a good sleep.
  • Don’t ride if you or the pillion is feeling sleepy.

Best Bike for Ladakh Trip with Pillion

Ein Kommentar

  1. Most of the people will talk about Enfield Bullet but I think 150cc or more than 150cc lightweight bike is better, easy to cross the water crossing, handling and if you stuck then easy to move out.

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